This will be my final blog post on this site. I have found the researching, planning and writing process to be extremely rewarding.
Beginning this blog, I knew a little about about migration driven by climate change and environmental justice. Though this was only in the context of Kiribati's fight to save their atolls. Kiribati's plight is equal parts saddening and angering, but it is also unique. It represents the least conceptually 'muddy' case of a population requiring assistance for resettlement due to developed nation's carbon emissions. Over the course of this blog I have developed a more nuanced view, learning about internal migration in Sub-Saharan Africa, South America and Asia, as well as community resettlement in the United States. For each different case there is a different solution.
My key realisation is that we should not argue over terms such as 'climate migrant' or 'climate refugee', but that whether you're a millionare in Florida, a tribe member in Alaska, or a South Pacific Island fisherman you may be forced to relocate. And as this continues into the 21st century, we need to make sure that everybody is afforded appropriate assistance, whether that be from an international body or a regional government.